A custom mobile app for campgrounds, RV resorts, chambers of commerce, and communities
Easily communicate directly with your customers and community members
Fully customizable to meet the needs of your business—and your customers
Enhance your guest experience
Automate and streamline communication
Increase revenue and stand out from your competitors
App My Community is a mobile app designed to help campgrounds, RV resorts, chambers of commerce, and other community organizations better serve their guests and members.
Forget outdated print-outs, low attendance at events, hours spent answering customer questions, and updating information in dozens of different places. With App My Community, your guests can find all the information they need in one place at their own convenience, taking the burden off of you and your staff.
Popular Features

Activity Lists
Time Booking
Push Notifications
Searchable Maps
Custom Forms
In-App Purchases
Marketing Tools
Customer Support
And so much more…
Everyone Staying Informed

For RV Resorts/Campgrounds and Guests

How RV resorts/campgrounds use their custom app to improve the camper experience:
- Share activity schedules and emergency alerts
- Advertise on-site and nearby events
- Collect guest feedback and anticipate campers’ needs
- Promote local businesses
Using the app, campers can:
- Order and purchase firewood, ice, and food
- Book activities and amenities
- Participate in scavenger hunts and tours
- View tide schedules, county rules, emergency info, and more
For Chambers of Commerce and Visitors
How chambers of commerce use their custom app to improve the visitor experience:
- Be the go-to resource
- Connect your town to businesses, visitors, and residents
- Build memberships
Using the app, visitors can:
- Find shops and dining options
- Be notified about upcoming events
- Participate in local tours

Our Story

Rose & Joe Duemig
Co-founders of App My Community
On our first camping trip…
We saw a kiddy train go by our campsite. And thought, what fun for our kids. We went to the park store to buy some tickets. Ah—closed! Then, we needed firewood, but quickly realized we had to wait till the next day.
Being from the hospitality industry — this hardly made sense.
Campers deserved more. Campgrounds & resorts can do better.
So… on the drive home, my husband & I pondered—we could do better. Then Joe started coding.
And there became the birth of the AppMyCommunity mobile app.
As we became avid campers we saw more & more, things that needed to be fixed. So more people could enjoy the outdoors —using a tool they already have in their pockets. Their smartphones.
Why have people research on their vacations? Why hide fun events that should be found in seconds? Why have staff do things manually that all other businesses—do digitally?
The same goes for RV resorts, chambers, towns & tourists.
We created AppMyCommunity to fix things we saw in real life. To bring technology to campgrounds, resorts & chambers. And to make lives better for people moving about the country.
Stop doing the mundane. Stop hiding the great things going on nearby. And start pleasing more guests, members & residents.
Life’s too short to miss out.

Why Us

- We’re avid campers and RVers who understand the needs of campground guests
- We identified a problem in the world of camping and commerce and built a solution
- We offer a complete tech solution with a human touch—we’ll work with you on customizing the app to fit your specific needs
- We’re here when you need support or help adding a new feature
- We’ve helped more than 200 RV resorts, chambers of commerce, and towns better communicate with their guests


How does App My Community streamline campground operations?
Your customized app can help streamline the experience for both staff and guests through features like activity lists, time booking, push notifications, searchable maps, custom forms, in-app purchases, and more.
The app can replace physical activity sign-up lists, digitize waivers, simplify the check-in and check-out process for campers, and alleviate the need to staff long hours at the campground office. These are only some of the ways App My Community can help streamline campground operations.
Can I start with a free trial?
You can use the App My Community Studio to build out a demo app that includes most of our features. Note that this is a trial app that cannot be released for public downloads.
How do you get campers or guests to download the app?
We suggest creating a QR code with a link to download your app and emailing it to guests ahead of their visit. You can also put the QR code on signage throughout your property and at your front office.
Build a Demo App

Want to try it out for yourself?
We’ve made it easy for you to build a demo app to see how App My Community works.

Click the button below

Specify your location

Pick a template

Customize it

Download it

Are you ready to learn more?

Schedule a demo today to see how App My Community works. We’ll help identify your pain points and make sure our solution is a good match.